Words starting with K

Typing practice with both benefits

Based on the concept of “learning English and practicing typing at the same time," we chose VOA English words as the material for typing practice.

On this page, you can practice touch typing with English words starting with “K". The meanings of the words are also posted at the bottom of the page, so please use them for learning English.

How to learn VOA English typing

The English translation of English words is displayed at the top of the form, so please translate it into the correct English words and type in the form. The correct English word is displayed at the bottom of the form. When you have learned the meaning of English words, turn off the toggle switch at the top right of the form. By doing so, the correct English words will be hidden, so you can improve your English skills at the same time while learning typing.

List of VOA English words “K"

keep v. to possess; to have for oneself
kick v. to hit with the foot
kidnap v. to seize and take away by force
kill v. to make dead; to cause to die
kind n. sort (“What kind of dog is that?”); ad. gentle; caring; helpful
kiss v. to touch with the mouth to show love or honor
knife n. a tool or weapon used to cut
know v. to understand something as correct; to have the facts about; to recognize someone because you have met and talked together before
knowledge n. that which is known; learning or understanding

English word card

v. to possess; to have for oneself

v. to hit with the foot

v. to seize and take away by force

v. to make dead; to cause to die

n. sort (“What kind of dog is that?”); ad. gentle; caring; helpful

v. to touch with the mouth to show love or honor

n. a tool or weapon used to cut

v. to understand something as correct; to have the facts about

n. that which is known; learning or understanding

n. (noun) a name word
v. (verb) an action word
ad. (adjective/adverb) a describing word
prep. (preposition) a word used to show a relation
pro. (pronoun) a word used in place of a noun
conj. (conjunction) a joining word

Quote:VOA Special English WordBook

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