Words starting with G

Typing practice with both benefits

Based on the concept of “learning English and practicing typing at the same time," we chose VOA English words as the material for typing practice.

On this page, you can practice touch typing with English words starting with “G". The meanings of the words are also posted at the bottom of the page, so please use them for learning English.

How to learn VOA English typing

The English translation of English words is displayed at the top of the form, so please translate it into the correct English words and type in the form. The correct English word is displayed at the bottom of the form. When you have learned the meaning of English words, turn off the toggle switch at the top right of the form. By doing so, the correct English words will be hidden, so you can improve your English skills at the same time while learning typing.

List of VOA English words “G"

gain v. to get possession of; to get more; to increase
game n. an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports
gas n. any substance that is not solid or liquid; any substance that burns to provide heat, light or power
gather v. to bring or come together into a group or place; to collect
general n. a high military leader; ad. without details; affecting or including all or almost all
generation n. a group of individuals born and living about the same time
genes n. parts of cells that control the growth and development of living things; genes from the mother and father are passed to the child; genes contain nucleic acid
genocide n. a plan of action to kill or destroy a national, religious, racial or ethnic group
gentle adj. soft; kind; not rough or violent
get v. to receive; to gain; to go and bring back; to become; to become the owner of
gift n. something given without cost
girl n. a young female person
give v. to present to another to keep without receiving payment
glass n. a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids
go v. to move from one place to another; to leave
goal n. that toward which an effort is directed; that which is aimed at; the end of a trip or race
god n. the spirit that is honored as creator of all things; a spirit or being believed in many religions to have special powers
gold n. a highly valued yellow metal
good ad. pleasing; helpful; kind; correct; not bad
goods n. things owned or made to be sold
govern v. to control; to rule by military or political power
government n. a system of governing; the organization of people that rules a country, city or area
grain n. the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn; those plants that produce the seeds
grass n. a plant with long, narrow, green leaves
gravity n. the force that pulls things toward the center of the Earth
gray ad. having the color like that made by mixing black and white
great ad. very large or more than usual in size or number; very good; important
green ad. having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue; having the color like that of growing leaves and grass
grind v. to reduce to small pieces by crushing
ground n. land; the earth’s surface; soil
group n. a number of people or things together; a gathering of people working for a common purpose
grow v. to develop or become bigger; to increase in size or amount
guarantee v. to promise a result; to promise that something will happen
guard v. to watch and protect a person, place or thing; n. a person or thing that watches or protects
guerrilla n. a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police
guide v. to lead to; to show the way; n. one who shows the way
guilty ad. having done something wrong or in violation of a law; responsible for a bad action
gun n. a weapon that shoots bullets

English word card

v. to get possession of; to get more; to increase

n. an activity with rules in which people or teams play or compete, usually sports

n. any substance that is not solid or liquid

v. to bring or come together into a group or place

n. a high military leader; ad. without details; affecting or including all or almost all

n. a group of individuals born and living about the same time

n. parts of cells that control the growth and development of living things

n. a plan of action to kill or destroy a national, religious, racial or ethnic group

adj. soft; kind; not rough or violent

v. to receive; to gain; to go and bring back; to become; to become the owner of

n. something given without cost

n. a young female person

v. to present to another to keep without receiving payment

n. a hard, clear material that is easily broken, used most often for windows or for containers to hold liquids

v. to move from one place to another; to leave

n. that toward which an effort is directed; that which is aimed at

n. the spirit that is honored as creator of all things

n. a highly valued yellow metal

ad. pleasing; helpful; kind; correct; not bad

n. things owned or made to be sold

v. to control; to rule by military or political power

n. a system of governing; the organization of people that rules a country, city or area

n. the seed of grass plants used for food, such as wheat, rice and corn

n. a plant with long, narrow, green leaves

n. the force that pulls things toward the center of the Earth

ad. having the color like that made by mixing black and white

ad. very large or more than usual in size or number; very good; important

ad. having the color like that made by mixing yellow and blue

v. to reduce to small pieces by crushing

n. land; the earth’s surface; soil

n. a number of people or things together; a gathering of people working for a common purpose

v. to develop or become bigger; to increase in size or amount

v. to promise a result; to promise that something will happen

v. to watch and protect a person, place or thing

n. a person who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police

v. to lead to; to show the way; n. one who shows the way

ad. having done something wrong or in violation of a law

n. a weapon that shoots bullets

n. (noun) a name word
v. (verb) an action word
ad. (adjective/adverb) a describing word
prep. (preposition) a word used to show a relation
pro. (pronoun) a word used in place of a noun
conj. (conjunction) a joining word

Quote:VOA Special English WordBook

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