






machine n. a device with moving parts used to do work
magazine n. a publication of news, stories, pictures or other information
magnet n. a piece of iron or other material that has a pulling force; this pulling force is called magnetism
mail n. letters, papers and other things sent through an official system, such as a post office
main ad. the most important or largest
major ad. great in size, importance or amount
majority n. the greater number; more than half
make v. to produce; to create; to build; to do something or to carry out an action; to cause to be or to become
male n. a man or boy; the sex that is the father of children; ad. of or about men
manufacture v. to make goods in large amounts
map n. a picture of the earth’s surface or a part of it
march v. to walk in a group like soldiers; to walk together in a large group to protest about something
mark v. to make a sign or cut on something
market n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded; an economic system in which the prices of things are decided by how many there are and how much money people are willing to pay for them
marry v. to join a man and woman together as husband and wife; to become husband and wife
mass n. an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size
mate v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature
material n. the substance, substances or matter of which something is made or from which something can be made, such as wood, cloth or stone; anything that can be made into something else
mathematics n. the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs
matter n. anything that can be seen or felt; what things are made of
may v. a word used with an action word to mean permit or possible
mayor n. the chief official of a city or town government
meal n. food eaten to satisfy hunger, such as dinner
mean v. to want to; to give the idea of; to have the idea of
measure v. to learn the amount, size or distance of something; n. an action taken; a legislative proposal
meat n. the part of a dead animal used for food
media n. all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio
medicine n. a substance or drug used to treat disease or pain; the science or study of treating and curing disease or improving health
meet v. to come together with someone or something at the same time and place
melt v. to make a solid into a liquid by heating it
member n. one of a group
memorial n. something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event
memory n. a picture in the mind of past events; the ability to remember; a thing remembered
mental ad. about or having to do with the mind
message n. written or spoken news or information; a note from one person to another person or group
metal n. a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold
method n. the way something is done
microscope n. a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied
middle n. the center; a place or time of equal distance from both sides or ends; ad. in the center
militant n. someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence
military n. the armed forces of a nation or group; ad. of or about the armed forces
militia n. an army of citizens instead of professional soldiers; an armed force or private army
mind n. the thinking, feeling part of a person
mine v. to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth; n. a place in the earth where such substances are found; a bomb placed under the ground or under water so it cannot be seen
mineral n. a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt
minister n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official
minor ad. small in size; of little importance
minority n. the smaller number; opposite majority
minute n. a measure of time; one of the sixty equal parts of an hour; sixty seconds
miss v. to fail to hit, see, reach or meet
missile n. any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target
missing ad. lost; not found
mistake n. a wrong action or decision; an action done without the knowledge that it was wrong
mix v. to put different things together to make one thing
mob n. a large group of wild or angry people
model n. an example; something, usually small, made to show how something will look or work
moderate ad. not extreme
modern ad. of the present or very recent time; the most improved
molecule n. the smallest amount of a chemical substance that can exist
moral ad. concerning what is right or wrong in someone’s actions
more ad. greater in size or amount
morning n. the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon
most ad. greatest in size or amount
motion n. a movement; a continuing change of position or place
mountain n. a part of the earth’s surface that rises high above the area around it
mourn v. to express or feel sadness
move v. to change position; to put or keep in motion; to go
movement n. the act of moving or a way of moving; a series of acts or efforts to reach a goal
movie n. a motion picture; a film
murder v. to kill another person illegally; n. the crime of killing another person
must v. a word used with an action word to mean necessary
mystery n. something that is not or cannot be explained or understood; a secret


n. a device with moving parts used to do work

n. a publication of news, stories, pictures or other information

n. a piece of iron or other material that has a pulling force

n. letters, papers and other things sent through an official system, such as a post office

ad. the most important or largest

ad. great in size, importance or amount

n. the greater number; more than half

v. to produce; to create; to build; to do something or to carry out an action

n. a man or boy; the sex that is the father of children; ad. of or about men

v. to make goods in large amounts

n. a picture of the earth’s surface or a part of it

v. to walk in a group like soldiers

v. to make a sign or cut on something

n. a place or area where goods are sold, bought or traded

v. to join a man and woman together as husband and wife

n. an amount of matter having no special form and usually of a large size

v. to bring together a male and a female to create another creature

n. the substances or matter of which something is made or from which something can be made

n. the science dealing with amounts, sizes and shapes, as explained by numbers and signs

n. anything that can be seen or felt; what things are made of

v. a word used with an action word to mean permit or possible

n. the chief official of a city or town government

n. food eaten to satisfy hunger, such as dinner

v. to want to; to give the idea of; to have the idea of

v. to learn the amount, size or distance of something; n. an action taken

n. the part of a dead animal used for food

n. all public information organizations, including newspapers, television and radio

n. a substance or drug used to treat disease or pain

v. to come together with someone or something at the same time and place

v. to make a solid into a liquid by heating it

n. one of a group

n. something done or made to honor the memory of a person or event

n. a picture in the mind of past events; the ability to remember

ad. about or having to do with the mind

n. written or spoken news or information

n. a hard substance such as iron, steel or gold

n. the way something is done

n. a device used to make very small things look larger so they can be studied

n. the center; a place or time of equal distance from both sides or ends

n. someone active in trying to cause political change, often by the use of force or violence

n. the armed forces of a nation or group; ad. of or about the armed forces

n. an army of citizens instead of professional soldiers

n. the thinking, feeling part of a person

v. to dig useful or valuable substances out of the earth

n. a substance found in nature that is not an animal or a plant, such as coal or salt

n. a member of a cabinet; a high government official

ad. small in size; of little importance

n. the smaller number; opposite majority

n. a measure of time; one of the sixty equal parts of an hour

v. to fail to hit, see, reach or meet

n. any weapon that can be thrown or fired through the air and explodes when it reaches its target

ad. lost; not found

n. a wrong action or decision

v. to put different things together to make one thing

n. a large group of wild or angry people

n. an example

ad. not extreme

ad. of the present or very recent time; the most improved

n. the smallest amount of a chemical substance that can exist

ad. concerning what is right or wrong in someone’s actions

ad. greater in size or amount

n. the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon

ad. greatest in size or amount

n. a movement; a continuing change of position or place

n. a part of the earth’s surface that rises high above the area around it

v. to express or feel sadness

v. to change position; to put or keep in motion

n. the act of moving or a way of moving

n. a motion picture; a film

v. to kill another person illegally

v. a word used with an action word to mean necessary

n. something that is not or cannot be explained or understood

n. (noun) a name word
v. (verb) an action word
ad. (adjective/adverb) a describing word
prep. (preposition) a word used to show a relation
pro. (pronoun) a word used in place of a noun
conj. (conjunction) a joining word

Quote:VOA Special English WordBook


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