


“May I help you?"  ご用件はありますか?
“May I ask what you’re looking for?"   お探しものは何でしょう?
“May I ask you some questions?"  いくつか質問してもよろしいですか?
“May I ask how much he makes?"  彼がどれだけ稼いでいるか聞いても良いですか?
“May I have your name?"   お名前をお聞きしても良いですか?
“May I skip that meeting today?"  今日のミーティングは出席しなくても良いですか?

May I help you?
May I ask you some questions?
May I have your name?
May I skip that meeting today?
May I ask how much he makes?
May I ask what you're looking for?



“Can you work this weekend?" 今週末、出勤は可能ですか?
“Can we negotiate for a better price?" 価格交渉は可能ですか?

Can you work this weekend?
Can we negotiate for a better price?



“Would you like a break?"  休憩しますか?
“Would you like to go by train or taxi?"  電車とタクシー、どちらで行きましょうか?
“Would you say that more slowly?"  今おっしゃったことをもう少しゆっくりお願いできますか?
“Would you check this when you have a chance?"  お手すきのときにチェックしていただけますか?

Would you like a break?
Would you like to go by train or taxi?
Would you say that more slowly?
Would you check this when you have a chance?



“Should I bring my identification card?" 身分証明書は持って行った方が良いですか?
“Should we offer more money?" より多い金額を提示した方が良いですか?

Should I bring my identification card?
Should we offer more money?



Can you work this weekend?
Can we negotiate for a better price?
Should I bring my identification card?
Should we offer more money?
May I have your name?
May I skip that meeting today?
Would you like a break?
Would you like to go by train or taxi?
May I help you?
May I ask you some questions?
Would you say that more slowly?
Would you check this when you have a chance?
May I ask how much he makes?
May I ask what you're looking for?