


在此页面上,您可以练习使用以“N”开头的英语单词的触摸打字。 单词的含义也贴在页面底部,所以请在学习英语时使用它们。


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narrow ad. limited in size or amount; not wide; having a short distance from one side to the other
nation n. a country, together with its social and political systems
native n. someone who was born in a place, not one who moved there
natural ad. of or about nature; normal; common to its kind
nature n. all the plants, animals and other things on earth not created by humans; events or processes not caused by humans
navy n. the part of a country’s military force trained to fight at sea
near ad. not far; close to
necessary ad. needed to get a result or effect; required
need v. to require; to want; to be necessary to have or to do
negotiate v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution
neighbor n. a person or country that is next to or near another
neither ad. not one or the other of two
nerve n. a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain
neutral ad. not supporting one side or the other in a dispute
never ad. at no time; not ever
next ad. coming immediately after; nearest
nice ad. pleasing; good; kind
night n. the time between when the sun goes down and when it rises, when there is little or no light
noise n. sound, especially when loud
nominate v. to name someone as a candidate for an election; to propose a person for an office or position
noon n. the middle of the day; twelve o’clock in the daytime
normal n. the usual condition, amount or form; ad. usual; what is expected
north n. the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun
nothing n. not anything; no thing
now ad. at this time; immediately
nowhere ad. not in, to or at any place
nuclear ad. of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together; of or about weapons that explode by using energy from atoms
nucleus n. the center part of an atom or cell
nutrient n. a food or substance that makes plants, humans or animals grow
number n. a word or sign used to show the order or amount of things


ad. limited in size or amount; not wide

n. a country, together with its social and political systems

n. someone who was born in a place, not one who moved there

ad. of or about nature; normal; common to its kind

n. all the plants, animals and other things on earth not created by humans

n. the part of a country’s military force trained to fight at sea

ad. not far; close to

ad. needed to get a result or effect; required

v. to require; to want; to be necessary to have or to do

v. to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution

n. a person or country that is next to or near another

ad. not one or the other of two

n. a thin piece of tissue that sends information through the body to and from the brain

ad. not supporting one side or the other in a dispute

ad. at no time; not ever

ad. coming immediately after; nearest

ad. pleasing; good; kind

n. the time between when the sun goes down and when it rises, when there is little or no light

n. sound, especially when loud

v. to name someone as a candidate for an election

n. the middle of the day; twelve o’clock in the daytime

n. the usual condition, amount or form; ad. usual; what is expected

n. the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun

n. not anything; no thing

ad. at this time; immediately

ad. not in, to or at any place

ad. of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together

n. the center part of an atom or cell

n. a food or substance that makes plants, humans or animals grow

n. a word or sign used to show the order or amount of things

n. (noun) a name word
v. (verb) an action word
ad. (adjective/adverb) a describing word
prep. (preposition) a word used to show a relation
pro. (pronoun) a word used in place of a noun
conj. (conjunction) a joining word

Quote:VOA Special English WordBook


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